
Average score 348 Reviews
mama cuisinière noted on Google

De passage à aulnay car avant ma cousine a fait un soins à Guinot en fasse, on vas après au resto à midi. Excellent les nouilles, le canard, les brocolis et le poulet au citron 🍋 je remercie un ami d’Aulnay-sous-Bois de nous avoir donner son avis avant et nous avons pas était déçu du tout du tout !!!! 10/10 (Translated by Google) Passing through Aulnay because before my cousin had a treatment in Guinot in fact, we then go to the restaurant at noon. Excellent noodles, duck, broccoli and lemon chicken 🍋 I thank a friend from Aulnay-sous-Bois for giving us his opinion before and we were not disappointed at all at all!!!! 10/10

2 months ago
Fabien Varoquaux noted on Google

2 months ago
Laurent Renaud noted on Google

Impeccable ! (Translated by Google) Flawless !

3 months ago
Eric noted on Google

(Translated by Google) First experience in this restaurant Really magnificent, very good quality service Continue on this path of excellence (Original) Premier expérience dans ce restaurant Vraiment magnifique très bon service qualité Continuez dans cette voie de l'excellence

3 months ago
Michele Aldigeri noted on Google

3 months ago
ZY YE noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very fast delivery, not very expensive (Original) Très rapide la livraison pas très cher

3 months ago
Ma déco Mon Désign noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always on top !! (Original) Toujours au top !!

3 months ago
Inês Jaremenko noted on Google

4 months ago
Frankygg noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent value Taste and fast, quality service (Original) Excellent rapport qualité prix Du goût et un service rapide et de qualité

4 months ago
Sylvie Môman noted on Google

4 months ago

La Grande Muraille de Pekin© 2024
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8 Rue Edouard Cornefert
93600 Aulnay-sous-Bois, France

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